Our Values

Consciousness, Responsibility, Authenticity, and People

©Christiane Matz, Illustrator + Member, London, UK

Our Values

At the heart of Trash Club lies our core values, represented by the acronym C-R-A-P: Consciousness, Responsibility, Authenticity, and People. These pillars form the foundation of our community's values and guide us in fighting for systemic justice and environmental stewardship through art and design


The ‘C’ reminds us of the importance of self-care. By applying mindful thinking to our work and reflecting between projects, which we refer to as trusting ‘The Void’, we can practice a healthy work-life balance and respect the well-being of others. It’s crucial to take the time for self-care so that we can continue to create.


The ‘R’ emphasises the importance of values and ethics when undertaking projects and developing best practice. We believe it is our responsibility to consider the environmental, cultural, and social impacts of our work. By doing so, we can ensure that we make a positive contribution to the world around us.


The ‘A’ encourages us to remain honest with ourselves, our values, and our unique viewpoints. Authentic expression involves aligning our inner beliefs with our practices, even in the face of opposition. By doing this, we can communicate individual ideas and celebrate work that is genuine.


The ‘P’ highlights the importance of community, collaboration, and co-existence. By working together, we can advocate greater systemic change within the industry, actively dismantling colonial viewpoints, biases, and practices. Let’s appreciate the essential role that relationships have for our collective growth as both creatives and human beings.