Your support allows Trash Club to thrive. Work and collaborate with us to ensure that we continue to sustain this creative, safe space for future generations

A Note to Our Supporters

To our esteemed supporters, past and present, we extend our deepest appreciation. Your contributions have been instrumental in shaping Trash Club into a thriving community where art and sustainability intersect. Each donation, mentorship, and partnership has fueled our initiatives and inspired a wave of creativity and environmental stewardship in the industry.

We are looking for partners and sponsors who share our vision. If you think our values align with yours, we invite you to get in touch. Your support offers the foundation we need to grow as a community and as a movement. It can provide our artists with essential resources and opportunities to excel and make their creative practice a catalyst for change.

From sponsoring collaborative projects, to helping us to reach our vision of attaining a physical space for sustainable artistic residencies, your support is instrumental in shaping the future of Trash Club. By joining our family of benefactors, you will contribute to the growth and resilience of a non-profit organisation working towards supporting creatives worldwide and advocating for a systemic shift towards climate, racial, and social justice in the arts around the world.

To request a copy of our Trash Club 2024/25 Deck, please get in touch via the link below.

Justin Moore | Graphic Designer, London, UK

Donate to Trash Club

Work with Us

Host an Event

As part of Trash Club’s commitment to showcasing the diverse talents within our community, exhibitions play a key role in our annual outputs. These events provide a platform for our community to showcase their work, generate opportunities for projects and collaborations, and contribute to our collective visibility. By offering to sponsor an event, we will provide curatorial leadership, exhibition works, engagement, creative production and planning, and communication.

Get in touch via email to sponsor a Trash Club-led initiative or an event in collaboration with your organisation.

Trash Club x Kantamanto Social Club Event, 2023

Commission a Workshop

Building on the success of our past workshops, why not sponsor the next one? The Trash Club community shares a plethora of knowledge and expertise in many creative industries and fields. From material engineers to journalists to designers and advocates, we can offer to curate a team of Trash Club creatives best suited to the intended outcome and participants.

Whether you are looking for a company away-day activity, skill-building retreat or knowledge exchange afternoon, we can create an inclusive and enriching environment. Previous Trash Club workshops have been hosted by Slow Factory, Estethica, Get Living, Boomtown Festival, and the Saatchi Gallery, London. Contact us if you’d like to add yourself to the list.

Get in touch via email to sponsor a Trash Club-led initiative or an event in collaboration with your organisation.