Best Practice


Our 'Best Practice' declaration is designed for all Trash Club members, team members, advisory board members, listeners, trustees, and supporters. We update this declaration periodically, and we welcome any suggestions for improvements. As a member of Trash Club, we ask that you adhere to these guidelines to foster a positive and enriching experience for all.

01. Community Guidelines

We're a community of freelancers and creative practitioners dedicated to sharing knowledge and offering mutual support. As part of this community, each member's involvement contributes to the growth of our collective space. We value the time and effort of all our contributors and respect that each member's time is invaluable. 

  1. Community WhatsApp:
    Our Member’s Whatsapp is for subscribed Members of Trash Club only. This group is for the purpose of supporting and connecting with other members, sharing opportunities, events, and projects. We value all contributions to ensure that this environment remains positive, supportive, and non-judgemental.

  2. Trash Talk Discord Channel:
    Our community Trash Talk happens fortnightly via our Discord Channel. This channel is accessible for subscribed Members of Trash Club only. Conversations are open and non-judgemental. Please refer to the Section 02: Respect and Equality and 03: No Defamatory Material sections below.

02. Respect and Equality

We expect all community members to uphold principles of respect, equality, diversity, and inclusion. Following the Equality Act of 2010, we are committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination.

03. No Defamatory Material

We will not tolerate any defamatory material or behaviour that could upset any of our members or the public. Should you have any concerns about your own welfare, safety, or behaviour, or that of others, please email Trash Club directly at

04. Accessibility

Trash Club is committed to ensuring that our services and community are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that all our digital content, events, and services are accessible. Should you require any adjustments to engage with our content or events, need materials in a different format, or require a translation, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to assist and ensure that everyone can fully participate in our shared platform.

If you have any further questions or concerns about this declaration, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at

Any changes we may make to our Best Practice Policy in the future will be posted on this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes. This Best Practice Policy was last updated on 08th May 2024.