Trash Clubbing in Boston!

©Trash Club Boston

On the 26th of April, we held our first-ever party in the USA!

Trash Club Boston Hub host Kayla Antonevich and Alex DiMauro, founder of Mayfly Co-Lab, hosted an open-to-the-public upcycling event. Guests made an outfit out of preexisting garments or materials and chatted about slow fashion. Mayfly Co-Lab is a collaborative workspace featuring local artists focused on sustainability in Lowell, Massachusetts, and the surrounding areas.

Trash Clubbing in Boston was a great day. We all spent the day working on individual upcycling projects and chatting about all things upcycling, sewing, trying to survive and thrive as a creative, etc. 

Since the Mayfly Co-Lab shop was open to the public during our event, we even had some last-minute attendees join us for a bit. A visitor who had stopped in the shop earlier in the day came back a few hours later to spend the day with us. We spoke about starting a clothing brand, and I helped him sew some patches onto some garments for a brand he is working on. We exchanged advice and guidance for starting a brand. Other members worked on various projects, such as an upcycled hat, experimental button-down shirt pants, and a quilt made from secondhand fabrics. We were also blessed to be joined by our youngest potential member- a small baby!  

Overall, there was great energy and a feeling of community. We didn’t want the day to end! 

Want to take part in the next event? Join our global community and become a member of Trash Club today!

Kayla Antonevich

Kayla Antonevich is the Slow Fashion Designer behind Ø mph and Hub Host of Trash Club Boston. After constantly being told, “That’s not how the industry works”, while designing garments out of discarded materials, she became obsessed with proving that it can. Kayla hopes to inspire people to embrace their unique qualities and never be afraid to do things differently.

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